A few months ago I decided to send out some treats to members and friends of Sunshine Rewards. My plan was to put together a small packet of summer-themed goodies and include a handwritten note for each person. I wanted a card that truly represented Sunshine Rewards (and me), so I didn’t want something straight out of Hallmark. Instead I decided to try Fiverr.
My plan was to give the exact same instructions to 3 different designers and then use whichever design I ended up liking best. Ashleigh spent quite awhile pre-screening designers to narrow it down and we felt pretty confident about the 3 we ended up with. I knew I wouldn’t love them all, but I was not at all prepared for what I received. Here are the EXACT instructions I gave:
Greeting card graphic with the following message
Wishing You a Summer Filled with Sunshine
somewhere on it as well as
Would like something like a person smiling and holding our logo (hand drawn person or graphic-based). I like the “bursts” at the top and bottom of this card:
And this is the first result that I got:
Now you might have to look at it twice to catch it. I’ll sit here while you go look at the image again….
Find it? Yep. “Somewhere On It As Well As.”
Looking back at my instructions, I guess I should have been more clear. On the flip side, I ended up with a result from another designer that I loved so much I almost cried. So apparently SOMEONE understood me. And the 3rd designer sent me something passable but not nearly as perfect as the 2nd.
In all fairness, the first designer asked if I wanted changes or corrections made. I could have pushed back. But it made a better story to keep it this way, and I was already starting production of the cards from the 2nd design. So I just let it go. I ended up paying the 2nd designer an extra $15 for a few tweaks and a .psd copy of the image so I can modify and use it in the future. In the end, it cost me $30 for a custom designed card that I really loved, which isn’t too bad. I would still recommend Fiverr for things like this, but with the caveat to be VERY careful how you phrase your request!
Want to see the final card? If you know me, you know it couldn’t get more perfect that this.