You read that right. Those two words should not go together and yet strangely they did today. I was in my office working this morning when my husband called me into the other room. He knew I was busy getting ready to go give a presentation so I thought to myself “This had REALLY better be important.” Turns out that it wasn’t important but it was hilarious and worth breaking for.
My daughter was watching cartoons before school. It was Wacky Races, a cartoon on the Boomerang network that I watched as a kid. It originally aired from 1968-1969, so it was old even when I watched it. The car my daughter was most interested was driven by Penelope Pitstop and was called the “Compact Pussycat.” If that in itself wasn’t crazy enough, check out her gear shift below of beauty supplies and gadgets that every girl should have at her disposal: [Read more…]