I’ve recently been talking to a number of bloggers who are having a hard time understanding the types of products that they can promote through affiliate marketing. Many of them associate affiliate marketing with either ebooks or diet pills. I decided to try a little experiment and see how many products I used in one day that I could easily blog about and include affiliate links. Some of these products I would just mention in passing in a blog post. Others could be an entire written or video review. I actually got tired of writing them down there were so many. Here’s are some of the highlights. [Read more…]
Seasonality in Affiliate Marketing Editorial Calendar
As part of my presentation for Affiliate Summit East 2011, I have prepared an Editorial Calendar (“editorial calender” for those of you with spelling issues) to help bloggers, affiliates, and merchants take advantage of Seasonality in Affiliate Marketing. The calendar is basically a listing of different holidays, events, and seasons that you might want to write about or monetize in some way. While it certainly is not an exhaustive list, it should give you a good start on your planning as well as get your creative juices flowing about other similar events. Understand that some events change dates from year to year and that you need to be looking at least a month in advance to plan for many of the events.
Turning Around My Affiliate Marketing Disaster
Last month I blogged about The Ugly Side of Affiliate Marketing and described some major issues that I was having with, among other things, with my Google Adsense Account and the eBay Partner Network. I’m happy to report that all of the problems have been resolved. However, it wasn’t without a lot of help and a lot of lessons learned–lessons that can apply whether you get hit with the nexus tax, unexpectedly dropped by merchants, or even dropped from entire networks.
I took the opportunity to discuss it with my Blogging ABCs co-hosts Deborah Carney and Liz Fogg. Here are some of the things that we talked about in the podcast that I learned from this debacle:
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My New Gig: Blogging ABCs Podcast
Although I have been working on it for the last month, I am excited to officially announce my newest venture. Starting with Episode #10, I have joined the Blogging ABCs Podcast.
What is Blogging ABCs? In short, it is a podcast series for bloggers no matter their niche or experience level. We talk about basic blogging topics like how to structure your blog but also more advanced topics like running giveaways and SEO. You can subscribe to us through iTunes or Google Listen or just listen on the Blogging ABCs site itself or Geekcast.fm (our host).
I am excited about this for so many reasons. Shall I count the ways?
Cheap Review of the Cheap-Ass Guide to Online Content
Not only is my review cheap, it’s free! Of course, so is the book. Keep reading if you want to find out why you need to get a copy and can start learning from it in less than 15 minutes.
I’m one of those affiliate marketers who was lucky enough to start my business on a shoestring budget. I’ve never spent more than $100 in a month for Google Ads, I watch for free trials of tools, and I spend a lot of time generating my own content. Yet sometimes I find myself feeling “stuck” because the more sites that I have, the more content that I have to generate. When I saw that my friend Todd Farmer had written a new ebook about cheap content, I was interested. I was even more interested when I found out that I could get it for free by signing up for his My Content Pro site.
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