So why did I decide to use a Thesis WordPress Theme for this blog? I’ve tried lots of different themes, some free and some not. I’ve done some customizing of various themes. The site of mine that I love the most (although it gets the least traffic and attention) is my chocolate site, Why do I love it? Because it’s pretty! Compared to all of my other sites, I think it came together the best. I used Revolution on some other sites, as well as Cutlines. But Thesis was the easiest to customized and sharpest looking.
Because I already had one Thesis license, I could upgrade to the “developer” license for only $77 and be able to use Thesis on as many of my sites as I want going forward. What a bargain!
I still have a lot to customize on here, but it looks 100 times better than it did 10 minutes ago. And by the end of the week, it will be beautiful (although maybe not as beautiful as Chocolate Picnic).
You can check out the Thesis Theme for yourself.